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I am photographer and visual artist. My main techniques are photography and drawing. Hiding, isolation, reflections, the seemingly invisible are central emotions in my work. I am fascinated by the hidden, in people and in life. Walking the streets I find my inspiration. The everyday life is full of moments that have impact on everything going on. I try to capture these small segments and fractions, the moment and the pulse of urban life through my lens. Moment pictures elevate the everyday into something more profound and create a totally new story.

Je suis artiste photographe et dessinatrice. Oeuvrant principalement en photo, j´explore également le dessin. Mon travail photographique explore ce qui se cache, isolation, l´invisible et la part de secret et de mystère dans l´environnement urbain et dans l´esprit. Je suis chercheur, flâneur. Je tombe sur les images qui racontent mes pensées, mes émotions et les mouvements de mon esprit, mon microcosme. Je cherche à explorer se qui se cache dans des instants fuyants, des coups d´oeil, des reflets et l´imprévisible dans la vie urbaine.

Art historian, art critic and curator Dr Monica Ferrarini has written a critical text on the basis of my art production.   Read more >>

all content and images@ann pelanne